Sunday, October 12, 2008

Pumpkin Carving

Photo courtesy of At Home With Kim Vallee

Andrew has been dying to carve a pumpkin.. and I keep trying to tell him it'll rot if we do it now! He says 'oh well, we'll carve another one when it's dead.' And also, I want to do creative and cutsie ones like the Martha Stewart Kit that's no longer available :(, no telling what Andrew has in mind..
..We'll see what happens.


Kim Vallee said...

You find the instructions on how to make these on This is where I got the pictures for my photo montage that is featured on your post. For more details, you can check my post at

Michelle said...

hey..i love the new header, im especially in LOVE with that font! I want it...what is it? also, that's funny that the person who made a photo collage and put it up on the interweb want's all kind of props for it.