Wednesday, June 15, 2011

drum roll.

Well, big news.
We're officially done with Utah. Andrew's been made a pretty amazing job offer... and we're TAKING IT! We actually move in 2 weeks! GAAH! Kinda crazy. Kinda nervous. Lots of anxiety. But mostly extremely excited! Nailing down an apartment that's cool with 2 dogs, that doesn't cost us an arm and a leg would be fabulous.

Where shall we be going you ask? ...hold on to your butts.....

Is the anticipation killing you?

It was brutal on me for the last few months.. I can tell you that.

Like my anxiety was THROUGH THE ROOF with all the 'not knowing' biz.

Ok, here it is....


PS. You can look for Andrew in the Dragon II credits. (;
He's such a stud.


Joanna said...


Unknown said...

WOW! Congrats to your family! Yay for west coast living. Good luck finding an apt in SF that is less than $1200 a month:) It is crazy expensive but what a town!

Francesca said...

Super amazing!

Nikki Nielsen said...

radical! congratulations andrew arica bird and hippo! that's so very exciting!!

Kara Shurtliff said...

oh that's an hour from where I grew up. You are going to love SF. So many fun/cool places around there and the weather is the best. congrats! Andrew definitely deserves a great job. he's so talented. Happy for you two! : )

Val Murphy said...

SUPER AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We want to come visit you guys up there some day...
Congrats to Andrew, all that hard work paying off!

brooke said...

that is SA-WEET!!!!!!! what a great time you two will have bashing around s.f.! i'm so jealous. i want to live there. steve's cousin works at pixar and is having the time of his life. congratulations!

.From Her. said...

YEAAAAAY! Now you are grown-ed up!

Rachel said...

Yaaaay!!! congrats you two! you guys deserve it. Way to go Drew.

Tisha said...

Congrats!!! So excited for you two! :)

Melody said...

Congratulations! Not knowing where you're going next is the WORST!!! I'm so excited for you guys! We are in Napa. The air in the Bay Area is so crisp and salty. You will love it. :)

Kelsey M. said...

congrats friend!

Erin and Dave said...

Soooo exciting!!! San Fran is so fun!!

Lindsay Rondo said...

congrats! That's awesome! My friend works for Dreamworks (named Lindsey as well) and she really enjoys it.
That's awesome you'll be back in California and what a neat city to explore!

Lacey said...

No way. That is SO awesome. CONGRATS!! You have such a fun life ahead of you! :)

I can't wait to see all of the adventures you have at your new place!