Tuesday, October 7, 2008

A Day In The Life..

..of Birdie.
Also known as: Bird Turd, Little Mischief, Turdling, 'Oh Bird

These photos are not all from the same day; however, they usually do occur on a daily basis.. and then some.

The routine usually goes something like this:
Wake up in OUR bed (really not sure how that happens), play in cat cube while I do dishes/make food, nap & play on couch, watch shows with me, time-out, roll in laundry, car ride, encounter with Boss, encounter with Thatcher, more time-outs, tricks, and daddy comes home pooped.
..Throw a few potty breaks & some more naps in there, and that about does it.

Someday I will have a different camera (oh, how I've wanted this since it's been in existence..) to use besides the top quality one that is attached to my cellular tracking device.

'Oh Bird. Such a silly critter. We love you dearly, our sweet & entertaining child.


Lindsay Rondo said...

you're dog is adorable!! wish i could have one.

Anonymous said...

i seriously almost cried looking at these pictures! I LOVE WEINER DOGS! i love them. love them.

the one of her in the cage...she looks so sad..like GET ME OUT!! haha :)